Message from the Superintendent: Solar Eclipse on April 8

Message sent on March 28, 2024
Good afternoon West Shore students, families, and staff,
With a solar eclipse coming to our area on the afternoon of Monday, April 8, 2024, I wanted to share with you the safety measures we will have in place as well as some resources you may find interesting. 
Weather permitting, the eclipse is expected to be viewable in our area between 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Based on the timing, we will follow our regular school schedule and will not be making any changes to dismissal times or our athletic events/afterschool activities.
The solar eclipse is an excellent educational opportunity for our students and staff. Our goal will be to create a safe and memorable experience for everyone that day. Leading up to the event, staff will remind students to never look directly at the sun and review solar eclipse safety, including the proper use of protective eyewear. Additionally, to help prevent unprotected viewing of the eclipse, we will keep students indoors for recess and physical education classes on the afternoon of April 8. As mentioned, afterschool athletic programs for grades 7-12 will be permitted to continue as scheduled. Athletic staff will review safety protocols with their athletes. 
The National Weather Service (NWS) in Binghamton made a 10 minute Total Solar Eclipse Informational Video available which provides background and educational information including what to expect during the eclipse. I have attached the slides from this video to this email as well. Additionally, the NWS has a Total Solar Eclipse Weather Support and Information page which will provide updated weather forecasts for selected locations as the eclipse event approaches. 
I encourage families to visit the NWS websites for information about solar eclipse safety and ideas for safely viewing the solar eclipse. I also ask that you assist us by reinforcing safety precautions with your students at home.
Thank you in advance for your help. I look forward to enjoying this rare experience with you!
Todd B. Stoltz, Ed.D.
[email protected]

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