Enhancing School Security Update from the Superintendent

Message sent on January 27, 2023
Good afternoon West Shore students, families, and staff,
Since my email in November introducing our School Security Guards at Cedar Cliff, Red Land, and New Cumberland, we have hired two additional guards who will be working with the students and staff at Allen and Crossroads Middle Schools. 
These individuals have been busy over the last two weeks participating in emergency response training (including First Aid, CPR, AED, Stop the Bleed, Safe Crisis Management, Firearms and Active Shooter preparedness) and a course offered by the National Association of School Resource Officers (NASRO).
You can anticipate seeing Mr. Binderup and Mr. Greenly on duty beginning on Monday, January 30. While each have been assigned to a particular school building, they may be called to provide assistance at any of our facilities. Please join me in welcoming them.
  • Chad Binderup  - Mr. Binderup is a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps and the Army National Guard. He is a graduate of the Harrisburg Area Community College Municipal Police Academy and recently retired from the Lancaster City Bureau of Police where he served over 20 years. Mr. Binderup has a Bachelor's Degree in Military History and is working on his Master’s Degree. He will be at Allen Middle School.  
  • Marc Greenly – Mr. Greenly is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force and graduate of the Harrisburg Area Community College Municipal Police Academy. Mr. Greenly retired from the York County Regional Police Department after 29 years of service and was assigned as a School Resource Officer at Red Lion School District for 17 years of his career. He will be at Crossroads Middle School.

I also wanted to take this opportunity to remind everyone that Board Policy 226: Searches authorizes the use of trained dogs to detect illegal drugs and controlled substances on our school campuses. Searches are a proactive approach to locating and removing these substances and to deter students from bringing them on our middle and high school campuses.
When a canine search is started, the building is placed on a non-emergency lockdown. An announcement is made over the intercom system notifying students and staff of the search, and a statement is placed on our website and social media platforms. While we understand there is a desire to know when searches are planned and what if anything was discovered, that information will not be released. 
Canine searches are a preventative measure, but one of the best ways to protect our children from substance abuse is by having regular and open conversations with them about the risks. It will take us working together to keep our children healthy and safe. Thank you in advance for your continued partnership and support.
Todd B. Stoltz, Ed.D.
[email protected]

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