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Winners of District Holiday Card Contest Announced
After reviewing nearly 200 entries, the winners of the annual District Holiday Card Contest were announced Thursday, December 12, 2024. We would like to sincerely thank those who took the time to write in a verse or produce an entry for consideration. You all make us #WestShoreProud this holiday season!

Additionally, ten honorable mentions were honored at the meeting and presented certificates in their classrooms.

The winners of the holiday card contest are as follows:
  • Cover Illustration - Camryn Buch - Eighth Grade, Crossroads Middle School
  • Inside Verse: Aiden Lee - Senior, Red Land High School
  • Inside Illustration: Yana Semke - Eighth Grade, Allen Middle School

Winners were awarded $50 gift cards to the vendor of their choice, along with a set of holiday cards and a winning certificate of their submission.

You may find the full slideshow of winners and honorable mentions here: 2024 Holiday Card Contest Presentation