Employees of the First Quarter Named

The West Shore School District is honored to name the Employees of the First Quarter. Below are the nominations submitted for the two staff members named.

Lindsay Gottwald - Nominated by Jennifer Post, Principal of New Cumberland Middle School
I am writing to nominate Lindsay Gottwald for the Employee of the 1st Quarter. Lindsay’s commitment to her students, hard work, and innovative contributions to our English Language Development (ELD) program make her an exemplary candidate for this honor.

Lindsay has consistently demonstrated an exceptional commitment to her ELD students. Her advocacy for supporting and enhancing the educational experience of our ELD learners has improved the culture of our school. Most notably, Lindsay took the initiative to organize a comprehensive welcome orientation for ELD students arriving from Allen Middle School. This orientation was not just an introduction to our school but a thoughtful, well-organized event that helped new students feel comfortable and supported as they transitioned to a new environment. Lindsay’s efforts ensured that these students felt welcomed and prepared, significantly easing their adjustment period.

Additionally, Lindsay has made significant contributions to our curriculum development. She has written the Intermediate School ELD curriculum for Language Arts/ELD II, which has been instrumental in providing a structured and effective learning path for our students. Her curriculum is both innovative and practical, tailored to meet the diverse needs of our students and enhance their learning outcomes. This effort filled a void in our curriculum that will continue to enhance our school culture.

Lindsay’s commitment extends beyond her primary responsibilities. She is always willing to offer support to her colleagues, share her expertise, and contribute to a positive and collaborative work environment. Her positive attitude, coupled with her professional skills and dedication, makes her an invaluable member of our team.

Sheri Patton  - Nominated by Jennifer Post, Principal of New Cumberland Middle School
It is my pleasure to recommend Sheri Patton as the Support Employee of Quarter 1. While Sheri does a wonderful job as New Cumberland’s West Shore Restore Monitor, it’s her efforts outside her classroom during Quarter 1 that warrant Employee of the Quarter.

At the start of the school year, transportation for our English Language (EL) students coming from the AMS area was still being sorted. In the interim, Sheri volunteered to drive our EL students from AMS to NCMS each morning and in reverse each afternoon for several weeks. This required multiple trips in each direction as the van can only hold nine students. Without Sheri’s help, NCMS would have struggled to get our ELs to school. While NCMS serves many underprivileged students, one might argue that our EL population needs the day-to-day socialization and benefits of school more than most. NCMS is truly grateful that Sheri stepped up to help out this at-risk population.

Sheri also volunteered to run an after school Chess Club at NCMS. Knowing our students often go home to empty households, Sheri is passionate about providing our students with a safe and welcoming environment for these after school hours. It is heartwarming to watch students learn chess and engage with peers rather than watching them spend time on their digital devices.

Sheri is always the first to volunteer to help support NCMS students. Her dedication and commitment to serving our community should be recognized.

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