We are very grateful for the Foundation's continued support every year to ensure our teachers and staff members can dream BIG and find new ways to empower our students to
live meaningful, purposeful and impactful lives. You can find more information about the projects by clicking on the pictures or visiting the District website.
Below are the names of those who earned a grant, the name of their project and amount funded.
Fairview Intermediate School
Taren Heinrich & Andrea Pederson
Sensory/De-escalation Space
Old Trail Intermediate School
Kelcie Hartman, Braelyn Delle, Jennifer Foreman, Kelly Stuessy, Jessica Tack, Leif Johnson, & Bambi Arnold - 7 balloons
Sensory Stations
Fishing Creek Elementary School
Martha Hassler
Check In, Check Out - Tier 2 Behavior
Fishing Creek Elementary School
Kate Bright
All About That Bass
Hillside Elementary School
Jennifer Heverling & Sarah Bower
Calming Areas for Self Regulation
Red Mill Elementary School
Erin Milewski & Kayla Furnia
Tonies for Teachers
Rossmoyne Elementary School
Mia Berfield
Sensory Hallway
Washington Heights Elementary School
Janelle Bingaman & Carrie Livingston
Large Print/Braille Books for FVIS, OTIS, and RMES