
Some useful SAT Vocabulary Words

coalesce|?ko?'les|   verb 

1.  [ no obj. ]come together and form one mass or whole:the puddles had coalesced into shallow streams|the separate details coalesce to form a single body of scientific thought.

2.   [ with obj. ] combine (elements) in a mass or whole:to help coalesce the community, they established an office.

--to have different opinions join together; fuse; converge


By the end of the morning, the philosophies of the Democrats and Republicans coalesced into a coherent policy.


The students coalesced behind Sydney and elected her unanimously.


cogent     |'koj?nt|



1. Convincing or believable.

2. Relevant (and forcefully so)


Genevieve’s creative composition weaves the musical styles of a dozen different composers into a cogent musical masterpiece.


torpid|'tôrpid|| -   adjective

Lacking energy;  mentally or physically inactive; lethargic; slugglish

It was hot and muggy – a torpid, sleep-inducing day.

Madoc felt too torpid to do anything but sit around and text on his iPhone all day.


emulate   |'emy??lat|

verb [ trans. ]

match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation : lesser men trying to emulate his greatness.

• imitate : hers is not a hairstyle I wish to emulate.


imitate, copy, mirror, echo, follow, model oneself on; match, equal, parallel, be on a par with, be in the same league as, come close to; compete with, contend with, rival, surpass; take a leaf out of someone's book.

The Apple iPhone is regarded as the most efficient and user-friendly cell phones; therefore, many telephone companies want to emulate it.

Eager for success, the new freshmen in English class tried to emulate the teacher’s writing style.



Pronunciation: \yü-'fo-ne-us\



pleasing to the ear (sound, a speech)

The principal’s euphonious remarks about school put everyone’s mind at ease about the new school year.

The euphonious sounds of the songbirds filled the park with happiness and joy.


intrepid  (adjective)

            fearless; adventurous (often used for rhetorical or humorous effect):our intrepid reporter.

In his youth, Brock was intrepid, but as he aged, his innate courage began to falter.

Michael, our intrepid reporter for the school newspaper, uncovered the story before anyone else.


vagary       |'vag?re|

noun ( pl. vagaries ) (usu.vagaries)

an unexpected and inexplicable change in a situation or in someone's behavior: the vagaries of the weather.

It’s often difficult to keep up with what to wear because of the vagaries of fashion.


venerate   (verb)

  • to feel or show deep respect for, especially due to age or tradition; to honor

Most religions expect followers to veneratecustoms and traditions.

The old teacher, Mr. Rosen, now frail and advanced in years, was still veneratedby his former students.

Few people venerate the politicians because of their poor performance this past year.





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